Make a Food Appointment
Appointments are first come, first serve and can be made every 30 days. Schedule your appointment up to two days in advance through our online scheduler.
If you see that there are no appointments available, please check back the following day.
Are you new to SACA?
Watch our client orientation video for everything you need to know about your visit to the food shelf.
Spanish version below!
Our Programs
Food Shelf - Client Choice Food Program
Our food shelf is set up like a grocery store, offering the comfort and independence of grocery shopping experience. Neighbors who visit the food shelf can select the foods they want and need at their monthly visit.
SACA Delivers
SACA Delivers provides a monthly delivery of groceries to homebound neighbors. This service is designated for people ages 55+ and those with documented disabilities. Learn more about the SACA Delivers program HERE.
Holiday Turkey & Toy Giveaway
Our Holiday Food and Toy Giveaway provides turkeys and gifts to families in need during the holiday season. Turkeys are first come, first serve as they are available during the holiday season. Registration for the toy giveaway opens in October.
Farm Fresh Produce Distributions
During the harvest season, SACA partners with Second Harvest Heartland and local farmers to distribute fresh fruit and vegetables to our neighbors. This is a free, drive-through program that is open to the public.
Food Assistance for the Unhoused
We offer individuals who are currently unhoused a condensed wholesome supply of food and hygiene products that can be easily carried.
Mobile Food Program
Our mobile food program rescues food from local food retailers and delivers it to low income buildings in our service area on a biweekly basis.
How do I make an appointment?
The easiest way to make an appointment is to schedule online HERE. Online appointments can be scheduled two days in advance. You can also call the food shelf at (763) 789-2444 during our regular open hours. Appointments scheduled over the phone can be made one day in advance.
Do I need an appointment to access the food shelf?
Yes. Due to the increase in demand, appointments are required. Unfortunately, SACA is unable to accommodate walk-ins for existing clients at this time.
Am I eligible to access services at SACA Food Shelf?
SACA primarily serves the communities of Columbia Heights, Fridley, Hilltop, Spring Lake Park, and NE Minneapolis. If you live outside of these communities and need food, you are always welcome to come to SACA, but our intake team may recommend a food shelf that is closer to you.
What should I bring with me each appointment?
Please bring your own bags or boxes to pack food items.
How often may I visit the Food Shelf?
Neighbors are eligible to visit the food shelf once every 30 days. Appointments do not follow calendar months. Due to the increase in demand, we cannot guarantee monthly appointments for all of our clients.
How do I become eligible to receive a holiday turkey?
Turkeys are first come, first serve, as they become available during the holiday season. We cannot guarantee that every client who visits during that time with receive a turkey.
If you have more questions, please contact SACA Food Shelf at or (763)789-2444.